  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by Kate R. 15 years, 5 months ago
  • Adios Barbie - "to promote healthy body image and self-image for people of all cultures and sizes."


  • Feministing.com - "provides women a platform for us to comment, analyze, influence and connect [on women's issues]." -WEBSITE CONTAINS ADULT LANGUAGE!


  • GenderAds.com - "provides educators and students with a resource for analyzing the advertising images that relate to gender."



  • GameGal.com - "video game news and reviews for girl gamers."


  • GirlGeeks.com - "an online community for women and girls interested in technology and computing."


  • gURL.com - "a teen site and community for teenage girls."


  • Listen Up! - "a youth media network that connects young video producers and their allies to resources, support, and projects."


  • RealGirlsMedia.com - "providing a new way for women – young and older – to reach out, find out, express themselves, connect, share their experiences and ultimately give – and get – something of value."

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