Welcome to the
Media Literacy for Girls Resource Wiki!

What is media literacy all about?
There are a lot of aspects to media literacy, but, in a nutshell, when we are teaching media literacy skills, we are training students to recognize, understand and analyze (i.e. "read") the messages--hidden or blatant--behind the images presented in advertisements, music, film, and the web. The goal is to make students more conscientious and critical media consumers as well as media producers. In today's media-saturated world, it is more important than ever that students understand these basic media literacy concepts.
Why give girls special treatment?
While the issues surrounding the ways girls and women are portrayed in the media should certainly be discussed with both girls and boys, we feel it is important to invest in the education of girls and young women in particular because the media messages sent to them about their bodies, their role in society, and their worth are particularly powerful. By educating girls about the media, we can encourage them to reject detrimental messages and inspire them to produce their own more positive media texts.
What is this resource?
The Media Literacy for Girls Resource wiki is a collection of resources for educators and parents that can assist in creating media literacy lesson plans for girls. This page is also a "wiki," which basically means that, like Wikipedia, the public can edit its pages (as long as you have a PB Works account--which is free!). It is impossible for us to know every media education-related organization, news article, or video that's out there. So you can help us extend our list to include stuff that you think we should know about! In an effort to keep the resource from getting too cluttered and disorganized, we ask that you put your suggestions on our "Suggestions Page," and then we will place it in the main pages of the wiki.
Where do I go from here?
From this page you can go to the following resource pages:
OR you can suggest some additional resources we don't have listed:
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